Municipality of Marliana

Through public-private participation and associationism, the integrated territorial project "Porte di Marliana" tends to the redevelopment of the territory of the Municipality of Marliana, understood as a fusion and interaction of social, environmental, economic aspects.In particular, the participating subjects intend to pursue the qualification, of the centers present in the area, whose poles of historical attraction are represented in the municipal territory by the villages of Casore del Monte and Serra Pistoiese of the agricultural and sylvan context present in the area and of the inhabited areas connected to it, thanks to the creation and implementation of the network between the forest farms existing in the area, the commercial and tourist activities, and the intervention of urban recovery and redevelopment carried out by the Municipality of Marliana. It is a priority public interest and first economic interest in fact to engage in the strengthening of pride and territorial identity and the consolidation of active, modern and vital businesses in the area, capable of providing not only employment but also a stimulus and motivation for personal growth that also becomes growth of an entire territorial system. The territory of Marliana possesses a particularly important heritage in terms of urban building and a great real estate potential that has long been disregarded and frustrated in recent years. The participating companies have taken on, each with their own roles, the redevelopment of the existing built heritage in a great entrepreneurial effort and trust in the territory and its beauty.The project also aims at the conservation and growth of biodiversity, with the protection of rocky ecosystems related to the presence of dry stone walls, the enhancement of agriculture with low environmental impact and reduced use of chemicals, and with this, the reduction of the footprint that every human activity leaves on its territory. The commitment will be to promote innovative forms of tourism offerings, both through the creation and implementation of a modern web space on a supra-municipal scale that promotes home planning, as well as through new and different forms of hospitality and offerings; from the diffused hotel to sports and slow wellness offerings such as spas, trekking, etc., promoting the development and growth of multifunctional stores designed to provide the citizen with not only the commercial product but also services, such as for example, home shopping service for disadvantaged users, tourist information services.